Your car is a very valuable asset that can work like a charm for even decades if it gets proper care and attention. Every vehicle needs proper maintenance because it can be a big source of headaches if it is not well-maintained. Imagine yourself going somewhere and your car breaks down halfway through the destination. It will be a big problem for you. However, you can prevent this problem easily if you give the car that it needs.
What is a car maintenance log?
No matter how possessive you are about your vehicle, there are so many things that you can forget about its maintenance. However, the use of a maintenance log never lets it happen. A car maintenance log is a record sheet that is used for keeping the data of the car safe for a longer period.
This log reminds the user to give the necessary care to the car. For instance, the mileage of the log at which the engine oil has been changed is recorded so that the user can determine when to go for an oil change again.
Why is it important to use a vehicle maintenance log?
This log is best to be used by people who want to keep their car in its best shape. This maintains the worth of the vehicle also. The quality of the ride in the car which is taken care of is better than the car which is not paid attention to.
After repairing different parts of the vehicle, it is important to take note of the date so that the owner can remember when the next repair of the same part will be due. You might need to perform the wheel balancing and alignment of the car which is often recommended after every 3 months. In the log, you can make an entry every time your car goes through the process of necessary fixing.
When the car’s owner sells his car and claims to have kept it in the best form, he will be able to prove it with the help of the maintenance log. Those people who want to claim the warranty can also show this log as evidence of the care they gave to the car.
What information is recorded by the car maintenance log?
The log has multiple columns and each column takes a different type of information from the user regarding maintenance of the car. It involves the maintenance work that is done weekly, monthly, or annually. Following are the details that are relevant to the maintenance work of the car:
Date of the maintenance work:
Since the basic objective of this recording tool is to keep the information stored in its database for the user, it records the date of doing work. When the user sells his car, he also gives the log to the new owner who can see how often the vehicle was being taken to the workshop.
Detail of work:
Here, you need to describe what kind of work you have done to keep your car in its best shape. This lets you see the condition of the car. If the maintenance work has not been done too often, it will show that the user has used the car with care.
There is a section in the log which allows the user to add comments. These comments are regarding the servicing of the car. The user mentions whether the complete service has been carried out or not. If some tasks are left undone, the comment section will remind the user to complete them in the next session.
Some logs also take the record of the finances to determine how much a person has spent on the car just to make it keep working efficiently. This shows the diligence and passion of the car’s owner.
Use the template:
A template is a tool that is used to get a log without any struggle. It allows the user to access the log in the form of a spreadsheet document. The user can edit the template and add the details to it according to his own needs.
Once the log is updated, the user can download and print it.